Café Britt’s Gourmet Light Roast Coffee

Light roast:
Acidic and bright

₡ 7,000
₡ 14,055

Light roast coffee beans are those that have been roasted for the least amount of time. Because the beans are not subjected to as much heat, they preserve the subtleties and nuances of the specific region where they were grown.

Green coffee beans are soft with almost no discernible flavor or aroma. At a certain point during the roasting process, the beans begin to “crack.” Generally, light roast beans are those not roasted beyond the first crack.

Coffee roasters must keep a watchful eye on the beans because the first crack usually only takes minutes to occur, and the time that it takes varies for each lot of coffee. Our experienced roasters are meticulous and alert, constantly on top of the roasting process to ensure the very best final product.

Why Light Roast Coffee?

Because the green coffee beans are not roasted as long, light roasts retain more of the unique qualities and flavors of the geographical locations where they were grown. Many fans of light roasts enjoy experimenting with different regional coffees as a way to experience both culture and great taste.

Light roasts have a much higher acidity than dark roasts, giving them a more lively, energetic taste. They are often described as citrusy, meaning that you may want to skip the orange juice and reach for coffee instead!

Light Roast Costa Rican Coffee

Costa Rica’s rich history and Britt's personal relationships with some of the best coffee suppliers in the country allow us to offer the finest beans, lightly roasted to perfection.

Our Costa Rican Light Roast is a blend of Arabica beans grown in the country’s Central and Western Valleys. The high acidity of the Central Valley beans results in a strong aroma and tart taste. Hints of caramel and apricot top off this sophisticated blend.

Light Roast, but not Light on Caffeine

Despite its “lighter” flavor, light roast coffee may actually contain more caffeine because of its shorter roasting process. That’s because caffeine is sensitive to heat, so more is destroyed as beans are roasted further.

Light roasts are the ideal companion for the French press. The calm, even flavors of these blends combine with the delicate French press coffee brewing method to create a drink that is superbly balanced without the need for milk or sugar.